Voice Brave 2-month intensive (Jan 2 - March 1, 2022)
Investment -
8 private lessons (60 min each), 1 per week (on Zoom, or in-person in Prospect Lefferts, Brooklyn*)
9 group sessions (120 min each), 1 per week, Mondays (6:30-8:30 est) Jan 2 , Jan 9, Jan 16, Jan 23, Jan 30, Feb 6, Feb 13, Feb 20, Feb 27
$200 / week - $1600 total
Financial assistance discounts:
limited availability financial assistance discount tiers, first come first serve.
Consider to what degree your financial availability is impacted by race, gender, sexual orientation, income, class, ability, health status, debt, access to inherited wealth, family support, and other factors to help orient you to requesting financial assistance.
2 spots available at 15% discount (185/week, 1480 total)
2 spots available at 30% discount (140/week, 1120 total)
2 spots available at 50% discount (100/week, 800 total)
Payment methods**:
Full payment (no fee):
Paypal friends / family (no fee): paypal.me/rhystiveymusic
Venmo (no fee): venmo.com/u/Rhys-Tivey
Two monthly payments (fee):
Contact me for discounted subscription links.
*On-location NYC lessons are available at an additional cost of $60/hr of total added travel-time.
**By paying, I signify I understand and identify with the agreements listed below.
Attendance commitment - I commit to attending each of the group sessions on Mondays (6:30-8:30 est) Jan 2 , Jan 9, Jan 16, Jan 23, Jan 30, Feb 6, Feb 13, Feb 20, Feb 27, any of which may be rescheduled if there’s a group consensus to do so, or if there’s any other extenuating circumstance that requires reschedule. I agree to attending 8 private lessons in total during the coarse, 1 per week. *Each lesson should be scheduled each week, and no lessons may be made up after March 1.* Any rescheduled lessons not made up by March 1 are forfeited. If I sign up for two monthly payments, I commit to paying both payments in full and on time (second payment is scheduled one month after the first payment, and the first payment must be before the first group session).
Preparation - I will come, to the best of my ability on time, well slept, well nourished, and prepared to be generously present for each lesson and group session. (Here’s a link for helpful zoom preparation considerations - https://voicebrave.com/zoomprep)
Cancellations - I agree to only cancel a scheduled lesson at least 24 hours before the lesson. After two cancellations in less that 24 hours, I will be required to pay an additional $150 per lesson for any more last-minute reschedules, in order to stay in the course. Any lessons I miss will be forfeited.
Respect - I commit to treating Rhys and each of my fellow course participants with kindness and respect. I agree to use participants’ preferred pronouns. If I’m wanting to receive kindness and respect in a way that I’m not yet receiving it, I agree to clearly and directly request that change to Rhys and/or whoever is involved in that request. I understand that if someone behaves in a way that is disruptive and disrespectful to anyone else in the group, any request to shift behavior toward being more respectful will be spaciously embraced as a learning opportunity. If that disrespectful behavior persists, that person may be asked to leave the program without refund. This space seeks to be inclusive of folks who may experience marginalization based on race, age, ability, class, gender, orientation, etc.
Dedication - I am committed to practicing / playing with my voice every day, for at least 5 minutes a day, as a gesture of dedication to my voice, no matter the particular form or speed of growth. In this daily practice / play, I will deepen my familiarity with the foundational tools I learn in the course.
Individualized growth - This course layout is intentionally designed to balance structure, motivation, technique, and intuitive play, and it also may want to be customized depending on individual participants, to suit their evolving needs over the course of the 3 months. I am committed to tracking my own needs + intuitions, and notifying Rhys if I’m wanting change or support in some way. My aim is to enjoy a process of slow growth as I give my devoted effort to learning the tools + concepts in my own way, adapting them with Rhys’s collaboration to suit my unique learning path. Rhys will do his best to encourage, support, and inform my process, and I will take full responsibility for my own growth and enjoyment of the course.
Recording - private lessons will be recorded, and I will be given access to the recordings for my personal practice. Group sessions may be recorded. Any recordings of the course may only be made public by Rhys, and only with the written consent of those whose voices can be heard in the recording.
Gender diversity - I understand that this space seeks to include and celebrate gender nonconformity. I also understand that sex assigned at birth (Assigned Male At Birth / Assigned Female At Birth) may correlate vocal anatomy with voice type (AMAB with bass, baritone, tenor, AFAB with alto, soprano), Rhys will encourage approaching vocal technical development with an awareness for my unique range + voice type, in service of vocal safety and sustainable technical development.
Personal responsibility for wellness - I understand some of the tools used in the course are designed to deepen my awareness of myself. Singing and tending to the voice, like any path of healing or transformation, can involve an uprising of vulnerability, in the form of intense emotions, forgotten memories, unfamiliar sensations, etc. Oftentimes this is fascinating and fun, and sometimes this can be destabilizing. I am responsible for getting any additional support or care from friends or mental health professionals if I’m needing it during the time of the course and after. I am encouraged to partake in therapy and other health support systems outside of the voice brave course. I understand this course is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy.
Liability - I understand that by choosing to work with my body and voice through physical and singing exercises, I may put myself at risk for injury. I take full responsibility for any personal injuries that may incur during or after this course, and I will not hold Rhys liable in anyway whatsoever for any kind of injury to my person, voice, or belongings.